For some time it has seemed to me that in this Internet age just about anything you could possibly want would be available somewhere in the world. Small niche markets that might have withered and died could revive and flourish with the economies of scale offered by reaching out to a worldwide market.
But I have come up against a brick wall after hours and hours of googling, to find that apparently it just ain't so.
One thing I miss in my new home is area rugs. I love area rugs, especially oriental design. I had a few in my old home, but except for one they all had to be tossed in the trash when I headed south. The reason? I have one sweet elderly cat who I've owned since kittenhood, who in the last few years began *peeing* on every carpet in sight. I couldn't get them clean, had to throw out a few, replaced them with cheap carpet remnants. Those got peed on and had to be thrown out also. She's been to the vet multiple times and had multiple tests, and they can't find a thing wrong with her, and finally concluded it must be "emotional" .
So I got musing on my childhood and recalled what I had seen often back then - LINOLEUM area rugs, often in lovely oriental or floral designs. What a perfect idea that would be. Linoleum is made from natural materials so considered to be rather a "green" product. I found online articles about linoleum making a big trendy comeback in home decorating because of this. I was sure someone would have jumped into this niche market.
But alas it seems not so. At least not that I can find, and I have googled and googled. I did find someone who agreed with me, though: Author Jane Powell, who wrote a book called "Linoleum". In a 2009 interview she said:
"I'm pathetically grateful to anyone who is a fan of the linoleum book—apparently it was ahead of its time. Probably my favorite vintage pattern is the linoleum oriental rug—I'd probably have one in my dining room if they still made them! All the beauty of an oriental rug with no need to worry about spilled red wine or cat barf [NOTE: or cat pee] —what's not to like?...I think there is somewhat of a resurgence, but it's based more on linoleum's "green" qualities—it's non-toxic and made from renewable resources, and gets you a few points towards LEED certification. No one seems inclined toward making the fabulous patterns again. I always joke that if I ever win the lottery I will open a linoleum factory."
Dear Jane, I hope you will the lottery. I want those fabulous old patterns too. I'm so used to being able to get just about anything I could ever want at the touch of a computer key. It's an odd feeling to know exactly what I want and find it doesn't exist anywhere.
The best I could find was *canvas* rugs. Beautiful works such as those at: http://canvasworksfloorcloths. com which are lovely but *way* out of my price range. Even their "blanks" to create your own are way out of my price range, But in general that seems to be the way I must go. I've bought canvas and gesso and acrylic clear coat. I tried out an 18x18-inch sample, which I've posted above (the rug I plan to make will be round). Now I just have to decide what sort of patterns and paints I will use on the canvas.
Alas it's not going to look anything like the lovely oriental-pattern linoleum rug I have in mind, but I guess it's the best I can do for now, or the best I can think of!