Monday, March 16, 2009

Nature Notes

My friend Michelle, over at Rambling Woods , challenged us to take a look at Nature and see what we saw. Is spring coming? What is happening? Michelle is a true artist with her photography, but my own photos are rarely better than serviceable snapshots - so I had no real nature photos.

But this past weekend I saw my first robin of the spring! My Birds of New Jersey book says robins are year-round residents here, but I never see them in the winter. They always vanish in the fall and return in the spring, and seeing your first robin is always one of the classic signs of spring. I've added some raisins to my bird feeders to hope to entice them to stay around. Last year robins built a nest on my front porch, and it would be such fun if they did it again this year.

So that was surely a sign of spring for me! My photos certainly were not so great. Even this painting is not very good I know. It's a real rush job quickie done in less than 30 minutes, but I wanted to do something to share with Nature Notes and was not sure when else I would have time.


  1. Oh Deb..this is exactly what I was talking about. You can express yourself with you art, some with words and some with photography. Frankly you know I would love to be able to draw or paint as you do. Thank you for taking part.

    It's funny because I was thinking of your robin's nest tonight. The robins just showed up and I have my raisins out. Tonight they started singing as it was almost 60 degrees. I really should put up a ledge like you have for nesting.

  2. What a lovely painting. A delicate robin. Maybe I will do a watercolor for Michelle's new meme one of these weeks! Thanks for the inspiration.

    I'm just south of you, in Highland Park, New Jersey.

  3. Delightful painting, you have really captured the feeling of the robin as well as its nesting urge.

  4. Great painting. Thanks for sharing your bird with us.

  5. I have fond memories of robins too. Your paintings are lovely!
