Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nature Notes 2

Okay, I admit I could never get myself tied down by things like 'Watery Wednesday' or 'Sunday Scenery'. That's far too organized for me. I like to keep things as loose and freeform as possible, both in art and in life. It would be torture to me to try to stick to certain themes, especially on certain days of the week. I'm not much of one for memes in general. But I do like my friend Michelle's 'Nature Notes' since it ties in so nicely with this burgeoning time of year, and I do love keeping an eye on nature and seeing what Mother Nature is up to.

So I took about 40 minutes to document more of what nature is up to this week. The crocuses in the back yard are in bloom (the ones in the sunless front yard have not even showed their heads yet). My crocuses are mostly purple, though I have a few mysterious white ones in the yard also - mysterious as I never planted any white ones, and they are growing in a spot where I would never have planted anyway! But the purple ones are looking brave and colorful, even while the ground around them is still mostly brown and bare. So these are my Nature Notes for this week. Done on 9x12 Art Spectrum.


  1. Lost my comment...grrrr...Thank you so much for participating in Nature Notes Debbie...This is beautiful and gives me hope that soon I will have some blooming flowers even though we can have a frost through the end of April....Michelle

  2. Lovely!
    I thought your Robin last week for Nature Notes was wonderful but these are just gorgeous!
    I can just picture this as something on the front of a notecard.
    I had to smile when you talked about the ones on the sunless front yard not showing their heads. I noticed this week certain sides of the house were further along in nature.
    Michelle sure has us observing!
