Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nature Notes 3

My crocuses are all gone, but daffodils are coming out in the neighborhood in profusion. I first thought a daffodil painting would be perfect for this week's entry for Michelle's Nature Notes.

But as I was entering the basement door after walking my dog I noticed these tiny, delicate little purple flowers growing along the edge of the concrete step. They were so tiny - the plant barely two inches high, and the flowers no more than a half inch across. But they were so pretty - and so suddenly *there* out of nowhere, a much more subtle sign of spring that the riotous daffs. Everyone sees the daffodils. But no would ever bother to notice these tiny little flowers growing against my steps - so they became this week's choice, though I just about had to get down on my belly to get a photo of them to use as a reference. :-)


  1. This is beautiful Deb and I love how you went for the less obvious choice for Nature Notes. Did you find out what kinds of flowers they were? We have had two days of snow, so I'm not sure what is going to be left in my yard..well..mud for one thing..LOL. Thank you for participating in Nature Notes.. Michelle

  2. That's a lovely painting. I wish I were talented enough to do that.

    I think we may have chosen to show the same little blue flowers this week, though mine are just a photo. I never would have noticed them either, had I not been looking for something for the meme. Isn't it funny how such beauty can be right under our noses, and we don't see?

  3. I knew I would find something beautiful here! :)
    I have little purple flowers too you almost don't see along the bottom edge of the house. No idea what they are and I'm wondering if we have the same.

    My Nature Notes is up if you have time to come by.
    Happy Easter!

  4. What beautiful flowers! I love the bright colors!

  5. It is always a delight to highlight the small details around us that so many people miss. Beautiful painting, thank you for sharing.
